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I constantly have to remind myself how and why I worked so hard to get to where I am now. My music is all about real life experiences and emotions. I write songs that everyone can relate to. Whether you're feeling heartbreak or just need a little bit of motivation, my music is here to remind you that you're not alone. My passion for music is what drives me to create songs that speak to people on a personal level. I am humbled by the love and support that I receive from my fans, and I never take it for granted. I hope that my music makes you smile and I hope that you all continue to support me throughout my journey, as I'd love to take you all on the ride with me.

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My Music Journey...

Ever since I was young my mum said that I had a constant passion for music. She even tells me how I supposedly had a natural talent for singing, even at such a young age, which on reflection from hearing the videos I beg to differ. However, despite my rocky and early start, when starting primary school I tried to take part in some of the school productions to try to overcome my stage fright and improve my confidence. As you may have guessed this didn't entirely go to plan, one reason being my confidence had completely plummeted due to a quite traumatic experience in a school play. This took me a fair few years to recover from, but when I started secondary school I realised that this was a fresh start for me and ever since it has just been a crazy rollercoaster. For some context in my last few years of secondary school I produced my new hit single 'Looking Out for You' and ever since releasing it at just the age of 17 it has been a crazy whirlwind. 

My inspiration for this song...

A major inspiration for me is the person who inspires me the most, my girlfriend Nancy Gordon, who you may recognise from the music video. Because of her was able to create this song, but with a twist. We had a similar storyline with how we met and became official but luckily for me it resulted in a happy ending, whereas in the music video the main boy (played by myself) ends without the supposed girl of his dreams. I related to the narrative in the music video as I to have experienced this many times in the past, as it's a very realistic and common situation that many of the audience can relate to. 

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Check out my new Spotify playlist called 'August's All Time Faves' to get to know my music taste better and see where I get all of my inspiration from!

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August's All Time Faves:


A random fact about me is that I love ukulele's, as you can probably see in the music video. This is why I teamed up with London Ukulele Project to help promote this unique charity that aims to "combat loneliness" through the use of music. Send us in videos of you playing a ukulele to get a feature on my social media pages and you could win a free signed ukulele by me, August Jones.

"Music for everyone, combating loneliness together"

Meet the names behind the faces featured in the music video

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